Install APRSIS32 on Linux Mint 17.3 (Update Mint 19.1)

 1. Install Linux.
I did a fresh install of Linux Mint 19.1 xfce

2.Install wine
Installed Wine-stable using software terminal type  wincfg select Windows7


3.Install APRISIS32
Download aprsis32
Double click on wine in start menu. Create a new folder in program files and run the installation program using wine. More instructions from  aprsisce wiki if needed.

Configure the serial port. This is the only tricky bit compared to windows installation.

1. Add yourself and any other intended users to the dialout group to enable access to the serial port- easily done using Users and Groups menu option. Old unix guys will have their own way. Log out and back in to take effect.

2. Plug in the serial device and look in /dev to make sure it’s there. In this case I’m using one of my home made arduino based KISS modems which when I plug into the USB port shows up as /dev/ttyUSB0 provided no other USB serial device was plugged in first.
Create a symbolic link to map serial device to windows com port:
ln -s /dev/ttyUSB0 ~/.wine/dosdevices/com1

3. Find ~/.wine/system.reg  and open with text editor. Copy and past the lines below (to match the link in previous step)

Configure APRISIS32
Restart APRSIS32.  Configure ports. New port.  In my case Com1 38400, 8N1.

Use Enables menu to disable APRIS to keep things simple and enable logging on the port to see traffic being received.

Make a backup of APRISIS32.xml  in case the config gets screwed up.
Optional: Edit APRISIS32.xml  as shown below to download latest dev build.1

I suggest doing this at installation, downloading the latest and then turning off something doesn’t change after testing.

Disable map purger.  Configure >Map >Purger enabled – untick.